SHAW - YSD 3200 x 135 ton Hydraulic 6 Axis Programmable Controller Pressbrake

CLONTARF, QLD - Delivers Nationally
$55,000 AUD

($60,500 Inc. GST)

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SHAW - YSD 3200 x 135 ton Hydraulic 6 Axis Programmable Controller Pressbrake :      $55,000 AUD ($60,500 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
    No. in Stock
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    New Model with Independent Left and Right Cylinders which makes it easy to square up or do tapers
    Ideal for Quick Set up of Tooling

    6 Axis Pressbrake

    High Quality Machine
    135 ton
    420mm Throat
    2500mm Distance between the Frames
    Quick Change Clamps
    Ball Screw Power Back gauge
    Large 15`` Programmable, Touch Screen Controller
    Back Gauge Fingers Left to Right
    Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2, V & X
    CNC Crowning on the Table
    Servo Motors
    DSP Laser Guards
    Side and Rear Gates
    95 Square Multi Vee Bottom Die
    Top Segmented Knife Blade

    Please note: All Specifications can be subject to change.

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