SHAW - ALU-350A Non-Ferrous Metal Cutting Saw - Swivel & Compound Head 350mm Blade Adjustable Twin M

CLONTARF, QLD - Delivers Nationally
$3,450 AUD

($3,795 Inc. GST)

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SHAW - ALU-350A Non-Ferrous Metal Cutting Saw - Swivel & Compound Head 350mm Blade Adjustable Twin M :      $3,450 AUD ($3,795 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
    Not specified
    Hafco metalmaster
    Sellers stock ID:

    350mm Blade
    Adjustable Twin Material Air Clamps with Manual & Auto Functions
    The new ALU-350A non-ferrous (aluminium or copper material) now comes with a semi auto material clamp function that will help increase production output when set in the auto mode, as the pneumatic material clamps are automatically controlled by the movement of the cutting head. The 2hp 415V high speed motor spins the blade at 3300rpm and ensures a great clean cut every time, and is perfect for cutting those soft metals known for gumming up blades when used with the correct lubricant fluid.

    This saw has a maximum capacity of 100mm round at 90 degrees & 45 degrees, and the ability to mitre from 45 degrees left & right, and is also able to compound mitre 45 degrees to the left, making this the most versatile aluminium cutting saw on the market today.

    Operation of the ALU-350A saw could not be easier, with the machine powered up, simply place the material in position, flick the air clamp switch to auto mode, start the machine blade with the hand trigger switch, then manual pull the cutting head down to cut your material with ease, then simply lift the head back up to its home position to have the pneumatic air clamps automatically release material so you can cut your next piece. This machine also features a mist type coolant system to help prolong blade life and produce a clean cut.
    3-way material clamp switch - On & Off or Auto mode
    Dual mitre 45º left & 45º right
    Compound mitre 45º to the left
    Adjustable twin material air clamps
    350mm x 30mm x 120T tungsten carbide tipped blade
    Quiet belt drive for smooth cutting
    Spray mist coolant system
    Dead man trigger hand switch
    60mm rear swarf outlet port
    Stand with storage cabinet
    Cast aluminium base & guard
    Safety magnetic switch
    Pad-lockable isolation switch
    1.5kW / 2hp, 415V motor

    All Prices and Specifications can be subject to change

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