SHAW - 2500mm x 70 Ton Hydraulic Pressbrake Includes Laser Guards

CLONTARF, QLD - Delivers Nationally
$29,250 AUD

($32,175 Inc. GST)

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SHAW - 2500mm x 70 Ton Hydraulic Pressbrake Includes Laser Guards :      $29,250 AUD ($32,175 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
    No. in Stock
    Hafco metalmaster
    Sellers stock ID:

    New Metalmaster 2500mm x 70 Ton Hydraulic Pressbrake
    Estun Controller
    Power Backgauge etc

    Includes Safety Light Curtain Guarding

    1. Pressbrake is run & tested prior delivery
    2. Hydraulic oil is included with machine

    - Operated by ESTUN NC- E21 control mounted on a swivel pendant for optimal ergonomics
    - Superior bright work lights provides clearer view to workpiece
    - Adjustable front sheet support arms
    - Emergency stop buttons conveniently located on control panel and foot control
    - Mobile dual operation foot control
    - Segmented 35° offset top tooling
    - Solid one piece four way multi vee (V) die block
    - Top tooling tool intermediate holder system with wedge type adjustment
    - Powered leadscrew backgauge with 520mm travel operated by Estun NC-E21 control
    - Oil tank level indicator
    - Metal constructed safety guarding surrounding machine with viewing panels
    - Integrated hydraulic system allowing rapid approach switching automatically to slow bend

    MODEL: PB-63E
    Control Unit (Type): Estun NC-E21
    Safety Guarding System (Type): ~
    Nominal Pressure - Tonnage (Ton): 70
    Nominal Pressure - Kilonewtons (kN): 630
    Machine Axis (No.): 2
    Length of Work Table (mm): 2500
    Distance Between Columns (mm): 2050
    Maximum Open Height (mm): 325
    Ballscrew Backgauge Travel (mm): ~
    Leadscrew Backgauge Travel: 520
    Table Bed Crowning System (Type): ~
    Throat Depth (mm): 260
    Ram Stroke (mm): 90
    Motor Power (kW / hp): 7.5 / 10
    Motor Voltage (V): 415
    Floor Space Requirements (L x W x H) (mm): 3100 x 1900 x 2500
    Shipping Dimensions (L x W x H) (cm): 280 x 160 x 220
    Nett Weight (kg): 4400

    Note: Guarding systems are required on pressbrakes for OHS compliance.

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